
I have found such helpful and inspiring blogs that led me to making a quiet book for my own daughter, that I thought it only fair to share my experience with others. So here is my journey through making a quiet book, one page at a time.

Monday, April 9, 2012

My Inspiration

Before I even begin posting some of the pages that I plan to create, I thought it only proper to give credit to the blogs that inspired me to make my quiet book:

How To Make A  QuietBook
This blog is where I originally got the idea to even start this endeavor.  Anna, the creator, included step-by-step instructions for many of her pages.  I specifically utilized her "Gathering the Supplies" and "Before You Sew" posts to get an idea of the fabric and other materials to use; also how to put the book together.

Imagine Our Life: Creative Living with a Toddler
I got many of my ideas for the activities on each page from this blog.  I loved the detail and bright colors used!

Of course, I found both of these blogs via Pinterest (which is where I find most ideas these days).

My original inspiration, though came on October 4th, 2012 when my little E entered the world.  We plan to have her baptized in the Adirondack mountains in New York this summer since it's such a special place for my husband and me.  Therefore, I will be creating The Adirondack ABC Book.  I realize that not many people share the same interest in the Adirondack mountains, but I hope you find my pages helpful and inspiring for your own unique creations!


  1. Your book is so incredible! Thank you for sharing it! Now, I am inspired to make one as well!!!

    and what a beautiful baby girl!!! God has truly pored his blessings on you and your family.. with many more in the making!

    We will talk more soon!

    ~Michelle (and your former student Thomas McKinney) He just loves your blog! thanks

    1. Michelle! Thank you so much. It's great to hear from you and Thomas. :o) I hope he's excited for eighth grade this year!

      Staying home is quite a change from the classroom, but I'm loving my time with Ellie.

      Take Care!
      ~~Mrs. Messmer~~
      (Anne Marie)
